Item # 76-DOT, Empty 76 lb. D.O.T. Approved Steel Mercury Shipping Flask (One Time Use)


* Price includes shipment to the customer and mercury stabilization and disposal.


Order 76 pound capacity steel flasks for shipping your 99% liquid mercury. This is the safest and most economical way to ship smaller quantities of mercury to our facility. Small bottles of containers used for shipment of liquid mercury will be charged as hazardous waste, unless the empty containers can be returned to the generator.

The 76 lb. Flask has been tested and certified to meet the Performance Oriented Packaging standards required by the U.S. Department of Transportation and UN Agreement. In addition, the flask conforms to the requirements of Packing Group I, a DOT specification for shipping hazardous materials. Bethlehem flasks are provided with the appropriate OSHA labeling required for mercury accumulation in your plant.

Included with the empty flask is an Emergency Response Packet. This packet contains a material safety data sheet for metallic mercury and our emergency response telephone number. Customers who send mercury in flasks purchased from Bethlehem can use the 24-hour emergency response telephone number provided. Certificate of recycling will be issued upon request.